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Report of events

Dear friends,

We would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We would like to express our gratitude for your big participation in our lives and the life of the Mercy Center. The year passed so fast, we became wiser, learned something new, and received experience. Children became a year older and we are glad that we are able to open our center's doors to every person in need! Necessities are various - food, clothing, supportive words, love, care of just a smile.

Nowadays, the main center is open on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 13.00 to 18.00. Luchik is open from Monday to Friday from 13.00 to 17.00.

On 21st December was organized a trip to the village, where children met animals and spent time outdoors. After that, the festive program was kept on in the center.

On 22nd December was the holiday dedicated to Christmas. Children prepared songs and performance about value of Christmas and furthermore, that on this holiday was born Jesus, who brought hope to everyone.

At the end of the holiday, the children received gifts, which we got from Norwegian angels. Therefore, thanks a million for the gifts, dear friends! Special thanks to Linde Linda Myklebust and Ole Bjørn Saltnes Misjon Europa and other friends, who participated to send gifts! Turid Flisen, Solfrid Marie Rosendal, Liv Norberg, Per Norberg, Per Gunnar, Anne Kristine Bakken Hovtun ! Also, thanks Tore Bandlien and Turid Bandlien and their friendly family for the sweet gifts! Thanks to kindergarten Solstrålen Barnehage in Fevik, Svein Ivar Trondahl, Siri Christine Trondahl, Arnfinn Fidje, Anne Maren Fidje Fjærbu, Øystein Digre . Thanks to Estlandsgruppa i Stange Kristin Tovseth, Vemund Koren ! And, sure, huge gratitude to Estlandsforeningen Midt-Norge Ann-Elin Slettahjell, Kjellrun Skagseth Kolås and all their partners!! Thanks to monthly support, we are able to keep on our service for children and their families.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

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